Cookies policy

The purpose of this cookie policy is to inform you clearly and precisely about the cookies used on our website.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to the computer when accessing certain websites. Cookies allow, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their equipment and can be used to recognize the user. When a user returns, cookies are read to identify them and reset their preferences and browsing settings.

Some cookies may be from external collaborators and are used to statistically analyze the information accessed by users of our website. With this data we try to improve the user's browsing experience.

What are the Cookies used by this website?

The cookies that are being used on this website are identified below, as well as such as its type, duration and function:

Necessary technical cookies

The necessary technical cookies are our own cookies, and allow us to identify registered users and, thus, to identify them. be able to retrieve data from your previous activity; save time by avoiding the need to re-enter the same information and protect your security by checking your login details.

If a user does not authorize the use of these cookies or deletes them, some services or functionalities of this website will not be available.

The technical cookies we use are the following:

Name: pll_language
Duration n: 1 year
Purpose: Keeps the information of the language chosen by the user

Name: cookie_notice_accepted
Duration n: 1 year
Purpose: Keeps the choice of the cookie policy of the user

Statistical and/or third-party cookies

Statistical and/or third-party cookies help us understand how visitors interact on our website in order to improve their user experience. In our case we collect them with Google analytics.

The statistical and/or third-party cookies that we use are the following:

Name: _ga
Duration n:
2 years
Registers a unique identification that is used to generate statistical data about how you use the visitor to the website.

Name: _gat_gtag_UA_126763742_1
Duration n: 2 years
Purpose: Collects data on the number of times a user has visited the website as well as the dates of the first and most recent visit.

Name: _gid
Duration n: 1 day
Purpose: Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data about how the visitor uses the website.

How to disable Cookies?

You can manually delete previously accepted cookies by clicking the following button:  Cancel consent

You can restrict, block or delete cookies using your browser. In each browser the operation is different, but these help pages will show you how to do it:

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